Saturday, October 23, 2010

Too many information here :D

Hello there, the one who ‘s writing this ‘kinda-introduction-of who-are-you’ section is me, Inezr.  I am an Indonesian who was born in DC, raised in Jakarta, spent my last high school life in LA, and now struggling in Singapore, attending a design college major in Fashion Marketing.

I am interested in art, folklore, literature, traditional things-culture related, travelling, a tiny bit of fashion, beauty care, make up artistry, myth, mystery and science fiction.  To sum up, yes I’m a big fan of National Geographic and Discovery Travel & Living channels ;)

My biggest inspiration is my dad. He’s really dedicated his life to our country. From him also, I always remember that wherever I go, my home is still Indonesia and hopefully I will do something for my country in my own way. My dad’s such a laid back person and enjoy life so much. That was why he also influenced me to love fishing, jazz music, yoga, trips, and spa : )

In conclusion, the purpose of this blog is to sharing my daily life through my pocket camera (also gathers my ideas, dreams, and randomness). I am neither an outdoor person nor an explorer but I love to see new places and meet new people from many culture backgrounds…. AAAAA I also love food and creepy-innocent-mysterious rabbits!!
