Saturday, October 23, 2010

Hong Kong (Part II)

Our cube hotel,so mini room
bon apetite!
fly me away lalala
say my name..say my name
Denise's polaroids ( I forgot to bring mine )
someone's fishing there
chill chill
Love my flats!
the palm treesss
: )
me and Lolo 
The track field
The View of the dorms n pwettyw scenery!
At the cafetaria 
LUNCH,they were so funny!
In Front of HKUST : ) 

The side garden

A visit to Denise's friends. They are studying in Hong Kong University of Science & Technology, what an awesome uni!!! The students are studying hard there, I could feel the 'study-hard-hey-ho-let's-go' atmosphere!! To be noted: They are super friendly, cheerful, and nice :D umm miss them!
