Thursday, October 28, 2010

peluk untuk saudaraku

Sangat sedih rasanya mendengar,membaca kabar, dan melihat dari media televisi dan internet tentang apa yang terjadi pada Indonesia beberapa minggu terakhir ini. Banjir di Wasior, Gempa Bumi dan diikuti oleh Tsunami di Mentawai, dan letusan dari gunung Merapi di perbatasan antara Jawa Tengah dan Yogyakarta. Bencana alam memang tidak bisa kita hindari, pasrahkan diri pada Yang Maha Perkasa. Kita sadar bahwa manusia itu sangatlah kecil...ada kuasa yang sangat besar di Atas sana. Saya mengirimkan doa pada mereka yang terkena musibah, semoga di kuatkan dan tabah menghadapi semua :) 

peeps, let's we show some love for them, because we are one family :) give some donations, loves, supports, and prays for the victims. You can contact : @actforhumanity and @palangmerah via Twitter. You can also contact some institutions or organizations near you that accommodate (collect,relocate) the donations for the victims of the natural disasters in Indonesia. Let's do it because sharing is caring! <3

pictures taken by me in Yogya, Dec 2009.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Hong Kong (Part II)

Our cube hotel,so mini room
bon apetite!
fly me away lalala
say my name..say my name
Denise's polaroids ( I forgot to bring mine )
someone's fishing there
chill chill
Love my flats!
the palm treesss
: )
me and Lolo 
The track field
The View of the dorms n pwettyw scenery!
At the cafetaria 
LUNCH,they were so funny!
In Front of HKUST : ) 

The side garden

A visit to Denise's friends. They are studying in Hong Kong University of Science & Technology, what an awesome uni!!! The students are studying hard there, I could feel the 'study-hard-hey-ho-let's-go' atmosphere!! To be noted: They are super friendly, cheerful, and nice :D umm miss them!


Hong Kong (Part I)

The scenery from the train,xx!
Nia, Denise's friend at the famous MTR (subway)
Downtown, where every culture meets. Melting pot :)
The awesome MTR maps!!  Hong Kong is on the green line.
Aji Ichiban, cheap candies! 

Branded Outlets, Fred Perry and Tsumori Chisato are cheap here,Oh God!
Denise (left), me (right) in front of the HK map
H&M!!! *faint faint*

Causeway. 3 bags already : p
Me and Denise went to Hong Kong at the end of September 2010 for 3 days 2 nights. Before, I have transited in HK for couple times but never had a chance to explore HK. So we decided to visit Hong Kong for the last term break. One thing when we arrived there, we agreed that everything's cheap there! We could not get enough of Hong Kong! : )


Too many information here :D

Hello there, the one who ‘s writing this ‘kinda-introduction-of who-are-you’ section is me, Inezr.  I am an Indonesian who was born in DC, raised in Jakarta, spent my last high school life in LA, and now struggling in Singapore, attending a design college major in Fashion Marketing.

I am interested in art, folklore, literature, traditional things-culture related, travelling, a tiny bit of fashion, beauty care, make up artistry, myth, mystery and science fiction.  To sum up, yes I’m a big fan of National Geographic and Discovery Travel & Living channels ;)

My biggest inspiration is my dad. He’s really dedicated his life to our country. From him also, I always remember that wherever I go, my home is still Indonesia and hopefully I will do something for my country in my own way. My dad’s such a laid back person and enjoy life so much. That was why he also influenced me to love fishing, jazz music, yoga, trips, and spa : )

In conclusion, the purpose of this blog is to sharing my daily life through my pocket camera (also gathers my ideas, dreams, and randomness). I am neither an outdoor person nor an explorer but I love to see new places and meet new people from many culture backgrounds…. AAAAA I also love food and creepy-innocent-mysterious rabbits!!
